Export/backup data

Export/backup data#

If you need to make backups of the Manager data, or to transfer some data to another organisation, you may request an export of the data. This may be achieved from 2 places

  • from the organisation dashboard, below the map.

  • from the All data view, below the map.

The export is done asynchronously, once completed an email is sent to you with a link to download the archive.

  • The airspaces and obstacles are exported to Shapefile. The CRS is WGS84 (EPSG:4326).

  • The waypoints are exported into the Air Navigation Zwan file.

  • Documents are exported with their directory structure.

  • Aircraft profiles are exported in a format specific to Air Navigation Pro.

All the individual data are zipped, and everything is bundled in a tar.gz archive.


Only one export may be requested at a time. Subsequent export requests invalidate the previous ones.